Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 34 of 364

"The little Tomato that could"

I found this little fellow today.

I haven't watered my plants in weeks. There was no use. It has been just way too hot for anything to grow right, so you can imagine how surprised i was when i found this little guy today.
You can see how brown and dead the plant looks, like i mentioned before , i haven't watered in weeks and we haven't had any rain here lately either (unless my dog "watered" it ;-)...)but yet ,it has a tomato growing. I find that amazing. :-)
I'm not sure what to do with it now though? Eat it? Leave it for the birds and ants? Contact the people from the "Guinness Book Of World Record" books and tell them "Look, this tomato grew despite the worst drought on record here in this area!"? ;-)
We'll see.
What would you do with it?

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