Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 2 of 365

Heat, a broken down Truck and the kindness of strangers.

That's how i would title the day we had today.
On our way to church, our truck decided today would be a great day to over heat and panic it's drivers, especially the female one - Me ! ;-)
I didn't think it was so funny.
We pulled over into a side street because at that point the check engine light was a bright red, the needle for the thermostat gauge was at the red mark - if not beyond - AND steam was coming out from underneath the hood, a couple in their Truck stopped and asked us of we needed help. Hubby replied, "Naw, thanks. It's just a hose that came lose." Well,it wasn't just a lose hose.
To make a long story short, someone from our church came and picked up Hannah and me and the man in the truck from earlier came back and he and hubby ,temporarily, fixed the problem. YAY
Thank you kind stranger. Whoever you are! We'll say a prayer for you tonight.
After church we went to a auto parts store where hubby bought the piece he needed to repair our truck and after 30 minutes or so he had it fixed and ready to go. Poor guy had to do all that outside in 100+ weather while Hannah and i waited inside the cool store. :-)
I'm sure glad and thankful that he knows a thing or two about fixing stuff. I might keep him around?! haha..just kidding...i'll never give him up. :-)

Here's a picture from hubby and the kind stranger trying to fix our truck.

I sure used the word "fix" a lot in this post, huh?
Haha...oh well , that's what happens when you live in Texas. You "fix" instead of 'repair' :-)

Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Wow..glad everything got fixed. Nobody likes fixing cars when it's so hot out. I could probably try to use the word fix more often but I am just not creative enough haha