Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 23 of 365

We went to a another birthday party today. This time it was the birthday of one of our church friends - Andrew. Old guy turned a whoopin' 25 today. ha
I asked him how he felt ,he replied " Not a bit different." and i said "Just wait until you hit 30 - it's all down hill from there." haha
So Enjoy your last 5 years of youth while you can. :-)
(just kidding ,of course. ;-) )

We had a great time. His mom made a very delicious potato salad and rice. I'm guessing it was Nicaraguan rice? I'm not sure but it was SOOO good. mmmmm
It had olives in it , among other ingredients...- and i don't like olives, at all , but i loved them in that rice. Weird, huh? ;-)

Here is a picture of his birthday cake.
( i didn't eat any because i was stuffed with rice and potato salad. ;-) )

I forgot to mention that it was a surprise party! He had no idea that everyone gathered at his parents house right after church. I would say the surprise part was a full success and his wife, Amber, did an awesome job executing it ! Great job Amber! :-)


Dana said...

One party after the other. PARTY ANIMAL! :)

WX Enthusiast said...

Haha...yeah right. Don't worry , 2 birthday's in a row probably won't have happen again for another year or so. That gives me plenty of time to rest up. :-)